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We are a monthly challenge blog. Starting in 2022 we will no longer have sponsors for our challenges. We will offer a small prize every few challenges. Anyone from anywhere can play along! Any new project can be entered. We hope you will play along with our challenges! :)

Monday, January 4, 2021


 Hi and welcome back to our first, new challenge of 2021 here at Get Creative Challenges. We hope everyone had a great Christmas & Happy New Year! Sorry for the slight delay in posting! We hope you will join us in this month's challenge & remember you have all month to play along! Also just a few notes we have went back to 3 sponsors per challenge which means 3 prizes given per challenge! Also all challenges will be AG with some months having optional twists!
Now for the new challenge the theme is:
Our sponsors for this challenge are:
 Ike's Art
Prize is $10 Gift Certificate!
 SheepSki Designs
Prize is 3 Images of Winner's Choice!
Prize is 3 Images of Winner's Choice!
Now for our DT's fabulous projects. You can check out their blogs by clicking their names in the sidebar.
 Sandy (Using Vintage Soldier Ike's Art)
Geesje (Using Great Tit on Pinecone Ike's Art)

 Lisa (Using Warped Time Ike's Art)
 Carole (Using Emmy's Hat SheepSki)
 Danuta (Using Daisy SheepSki)
 Helen (Using Tulip Border SheepSki)
 Tristan (Using Rudolf's Selfie SheepSki)
Shell (Using Frame of Flowers Eureka)
Angie (Using Bunch of Hearts Eureka)


  1. Lovely work by the DT.
    Thank you for having me as one of your Sponsors. :-)
    IKE xx

    Thank you for using my image and it is a pleasure to Sponsor you all.
    IKE x

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  2. Is there going to be a February challenge? If so, when can we expect it to start?

    1. Yes sorry it starts today & will be up soon. I've had some medical things being done. 😪


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